Electric Bikes
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There’s a saying in surfing that, “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.” As a brand rooted in the beach lifestyle, Tower applies that creed to all we do. Fun to us is hearing one of our ebike customers tell us their Tower electric bike is a “pure delight” or “life changing” or that they “can say without any reservation that this eBike is the best bike on the market especially at this price point.” Fun for us. Even more fun for our customers!
Tower Electric Bikes is not just another e-bike brand. Our goal is simple. Create the best ebikes and word will spread. Focus on what we know best as a beach lifestyle brand, electric cruiser bikes. Focus obsessively on making great products. Then sell them direct to consumer ONLY so consumers will save roughly 50% on what they would pay for a comparable electric bike from a retail brand. Word will spread.
This isn’t our first rodeo. Since 2010, our sister company Tower Paddle Boards has been dedicated to fundamentally changing the stand up paddle board industry for the better. As a direct to consumer ONLY stand up paddle board brand we did just that on the way to becoming the #1 fastest growing private company in San Diego, #239 on the INC 500 list of America’s fastest growing companies, and Mark Cuban’s best Shark Tank investment in the history of the show. Today, Tower Paddle Boards is the most sought out brand in that industry. We sell the best paddle boards AND offer them at the best prices.
We’re already turning heads and getting noticed as having one of the best ebikes in the electric bike market. Our first model, the Beach Bum, was the 2020 award winner for “Best Value” in the “Best Cruiser Electric Bike” category on ElectricBikeReview.com, the industry’s leading review publication. We’re just getting started.
We build products that absolutely improve people’s lives. Electric bikes do exactly that. Most people don’t get it until they first ride one. To be honest, most people don’t even know what an eBike is. Once we get them on one, the light goes off in their head. This is not a bike. This is wind in the hair independent transportation without the traffic or parking hassle. It’s autonomy to not have to rely on crowded public transportation in the age of pandemics. It’s the freedom to explore your neighborhood and go on 30-40 mile bike rides without breaking a sweat.
Electric bikes are a transformational product that once someone tries it, they won’t be able to go back.
Here’s just a sampling of what some of our customers have to say (and how our obsessive focus on creating the best products helps make this a reality for our customers):
“This bike has literally changed my life.” – Sally from Boulder, CO. She goes on, “I live in beautiful Boulder County but have never explored the trails and open space. I now zip around the beautiful countryside on miles of trails and end up sitting by a lake I didn’t even know was there.”
Tower Electric Bikes - This is precisely why we went into the eBike business. We felt the life changing effects first hand and felt compelled to share this with everyone we know. A company was born.
“I have only had my Tower Beach Bum bike two weeks, but so far I am loving it! I am 6'3" and needed a larger bike to fit my frame. The Tower Beach Bum bike fits me perfectly.” – Eric from Anna Maria Island, FL
Tower Electric Bikes - As a beach lifestyle brand, we know beach cruisers. Ninety-nine percent of the regular beach cruisers on the market (designed by beach lifestyle companies) are not designed well. And they're cheap bikes at $100-$200. They're notoriously cramped for taller people. Apparently the frame designs are just outsourced to a factory in China where the average rider isn't 6'3". No obsessive attention to quality and design perfection. Now, when an eBike brand that makes mountain bikes, city bikes, scramblers, folding bikes, and more tries to add a beach cruiser their mixed line up of eBikes, they typically do worse than the dedicated beach cruiser companies making regular bikes.
We're different. Everything we put out there is designed in Southern California by people who know beach bikes intimately. We live on beach cruisers. Most of the staff commutes on beach cruisers, and now electric cruiser bikes.
“Now that I have 1,351 miles on my bike in 53 trips (started riding 6/5/20) [roughly 2 months] I feel qualified to write a review (average 25.5 mi. per ride) This bike is a pure delight to ride. Nothing had to be adjusted when I set it up out of the box.” – Bob from Overland Park, KS
Tower Electric Bikes - This is the hallmark of quality. Our focus on making the best ebikes means you get a great product out of the box and one that will serve you well for a long time. The more your ride it, the more you will fall in love with it. We're not happy unless you are so happy that you tell a half dozen of your friends!
“As a 62-year-old woman, who lives in a national park, this bike is like riding an elliptical with views!” – GRANDmama from Love, VA. She goes on, “I was skeptical because I live on the Blue Ridge Parkway, which has lots of ups and downs through the Blue Ridge Mountains. But I have yet to use the fifth level of assist. This bike is enabling me to get out and enjoy my neighborhood, and get back in shape. Today I saw a bear cross right in front of me and I yelled “Woo Hoo” as I rode by!”
Tower Electric Bikes - Hill climbing is the #1 thing an eBike needs, but unfortunately most of the electric bikes on the market focus more on selling you an eBike than making one that you can use anywhere... because it's expensive to make a good eBike. You can get a cheap electric bike for $1000, but they cut really stupid corners a lot of times. Good batteries are the most expensive part of the production process, so on a cheap electric bike you'll get a battery with low-quality cells that wear out quickly and without out sufficient range so you can't go great distances like you can on a quality bike. Then you'll get a motor that seems to work fine when you test drive it in the parking lot, but it dies once you try to climb a hill in your neighborhood. An eBike that can't climb hills means you can't go anywhere you want... which defeats the purpose. There are a lot of cheap eBikes out there that can't climb hills sufficiently.
At Tower, we spared no expense to produce a bike that has some of the best hill climbing chops in the industry. We use high-quality, high capacity batteries paired with electric bike motor optimized for torque. You'll thank us later... once you understand more about what makes some eBikes so much better than others!
“So I rode the bike in peddle assist number 2. Averaging about 13 mph, tires filled up to 50psi. I was able to do 28 miles before the first battery bar drop. After that I did a mix of peddle assist and throttle only, I went 50 miles and I had two battery bars left....” – Daniel from Bell Gardens Los Angeles, CA
Tower Electric Bikes - We love it when we surprise and delight a customer. The eBike industry, like many, is flooded with fly by night brands and exaggerated claims. When you get a Tower Electric Bike, you are buying quality. The more you ride it, the more you get this. And the more you ride other electric bikes, the more you will love your Tower eBike. We've done all the homework for you, and crafted only the best ebike you can buy. Battery range is achieved by investing in the highest quality cells and spending money on the highest capacity battery packs. They're not cheap. But they're sooooooo worth it!
“This bike more comfortable than any other E-bike that I have seen and I am excited to keep using it.” –Rob from Kansas
Tower Electric Bikes - One thing a lot of people gloss over on bikes is that most are designed for the rider to be engaged with the pedals. With a road bike, a mountain bike, or a city bike, you are usually hunched over the handle bars. Comfort isn't the main point of a bike, it's performance. And to perform well, it's best if you're part of the machine engaged with the pedals. Most bikes don't move if you don't pedal.
eBikes, on the other hand, are less for exercise and performance, and more for transportation and adventure. You want to sit back and enjoy the ride, and as you've got a motor helping you along you can go a LOT farther. You can do a 40 mile eBike ride without much effort at all. Most people wouldn't even try to do a 40 mile bike ride. The point here is that comfort is critical with electric bikes. That's why at Tower we focus obsessively on electric beach cruisers. They're the perfect type of bike for an eBike - made for comfort, not performance. The electric bike motor will take care of the performance. On a Tower electric bike you can just throttle it if you want, or use the pedal assist, your choice. And you can ride side-by-side with someone that's more or less interested in the exercise component of it than you, and easily keep pace together. With a Tower eBike, you'll always be riding in comfort!
“OK whenever I make a purchase I do my due diligence. I can say without any reservation that this Ebike is the best bike on the market especially at this price point.” – Philip from Minneapolis, MN. He continues, “By far one of the most comfortable cruiser bikes I’ve ever ridden. Love the simplicity and intuitiveness of the design. The bike makes me smile whenever I ride it!”
Tower Electric Bikes - As the founder of Tower Electric Bikes, one of the things I most love hearing from customers are comments like this. I want a customer who really digs in deep, looks at every option on the market, and spends the time to really educate themselves on what matters in electric bikes. And when they buy they always mention how we really have the best ebike out there AND at the best price. That's exactly what we're going for. We did the homework for you I assure you. It's great when someone buys a bike because they just love the look and style, or because they were referred from a friend. But we get extra satisfaction when they do the research and come back, because that's how we designed it. That's what obsessively focusing on building a quality product is all about. And then when you sell it direct to consumer at half the price of the competition, it really blows people's mind. That's fun. We love fun at Tower!