Electric Bike Battery Care

Electric bike batteries tend to have a specific lifespan and generally last at least a few years depending on how often you use them and how you treat them. We have put together a list of things you can do to help get the longest amount of battery life possible. By following some of these steps you will be able to save yourself almost the cost of a new electric bike by not having to replace the battery too soon. Our Tower Beach Bum comes equipped with a Samsung 48V lithium battery for electric bikes.


We recommend that you keep your battery at a constant temperature when it is not in use. The largest factor when it comes to reducing the life of lithium-ion batteries is being subject to elevated temperatures. Don’t leave your electric bike battery in a hot car, garage, or shed as the cells in the battery will overheat and the lifespan of the battery will decrease. Charging large lithium-ion batteries presents a fire risk so when charging, be sure not to cover them or leave them next to flammable items. The best place to charge your electric bike battery is usually in a dry, cool space inside. Ideally you do not want to store or charge your battery outside because it will be exposed to the elements which can damage the battery. A shed or garage is okay as long as it's dry and won't be exposed to extreme temperatures. 

By riding your electric bike at 100% all of the time it is guaranteed that your electric bike battery and motor will generate heat. As we mentioned above, heat is one of the primary reasons for the decline in electric bike battery life. We suggest that if you need to ride at full throttle, by all means do it, but only

for a short time and then ease off and give your battery a break. When you’re giving your battery a rest either ease off the throttle or switch to pedal assist mode so the demand on the battery is reduced.

Don’t let the battery go down to empty

Don’t allow the battery to run all the way down to zero. The lower the level of charge available, the harder a batter will have to work to extract it. Because of this it is good to have the electric bike battery at least 30-40% charged at all times.


Extended storage

If you are going on vacation or know that you won’t be riding your electric cruiser bike for a while, we suggest that you run the battery down to about 40% and then store it. Remember to keep it at a constant, cool temperature if possible. It is important that you keep it in a dry, cool place so the electric bike battery doesn’t heat up. A garage, basement, or an attic are good places to store the eBike battery long term. 

Storage Temperature
1 Year             -20° - 23°C
3 Months             -20° - 45°C
1 Month             -20° - 60°C

Advanced Smart Charger

Batteries generally like to be charged slowly. Forcing too much charge into a battery in a short space of time will cause it to heat up and as we mentioned above, damage the battery. Smart chargers have a dial that allow you to control the amount of current that flows from the power outlet to the battery. The lower the amount of current (in amp hours) you set to feed the battery, the longer it will take to charge. Charging on a very low level of current will take up to 6 hours to reach a full battery from empty, people often don’t have 6 hours to spare when they need a charge so we don’t recommend doing this every time you need to charge up but whenever possible.


Battery capacity

Low capacity batteries tend to have shorter lifespans than those with higher capacities and will need to be replaced more often as a result. The reason they have a shorter life span is because every battery has a maximum life cycle in terms charge cycles (full charge and full discharge) and the further down the life cycle you go, the worse your battery performance will be. Batteries with low capacities will need to recharged more often than those with larger capacities because their discharge time will be shorter. When left idle for long periods, batteries tend to lose quality, if you have the option be sure to ask for a battery with the most recent manufacturing date to ensure that your new battery is in the best condition possible.


We don’t suggest that you follow all of these steps obsessively but taking a few precautions here and there can preserve your battery for years and prevent the need to replace it before it is necessary.


Read more on how to maintain your electric bike chain and eBike brakes.